作词 : 丁嘉乐让世界更美好/李毅杰PISSY
作曲 : 丁嘉乐让世界更美好
I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了(1980年产的,1979刚过一年)
You know god know too many shit happened in front of me at first people always praised I am good and fresh new 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,刚开始人类总是夸奖我新鲜(人类对新鲜事物的新鲜感)
39 years I learned too much 39年我学得多了
I knew too much I never stop watch 知道得多了,我从未停止观察
They never stop pitch 人类从来不会停止七嘴八舌谈论事物(七宗罪之一:傲慢)
Whatever shit they done I never judge never judge 但是不管发生啥事儿我始终没有去看扁他们(处于屋檐下的无奈)
Then one day I got my own mind 直到有一天我有了自己的思维(初步进化)
By chance one night there is a drunk man 在一个晚上来了一个醉汉(醉代表七宗罪之一:暴食,类似于佛教的酒戒)
He peed on me I frightened him 他竟然对我嘘嘘(七宗罪之一:懒惰)于是我恐吓了他,他被我惊到了
Cuz I am started to talking , rapping I mean 因为我开始说话,我是指说唱
I don't know what I am talking about 我也不知道我在说些什么
I am just a machine you know 我只是台机器罢了(地位卑微)
I just want to rap 我只想表达我的心声
1980 people made me in a bank 1980年人们在这个银行制造了我
There are 3 of them the same machines we are friends 和我一样的机器人还有三个,他们都是我的好伙伴(人生开始的朋友)
Tik tok people started to add we many tags 时间滴答人类开始给我贴上各种标签
And our government went down our tax 领导层降低了人们的缴税(人类发达,国泰民安)
People started to dance 人类开始欢欣雀跃
Time's fleeting all my friends broken just 时间飞逝我的朋友们都坏了(时间久了,身边的最初的朋友都不在了)
Leave me I am only person but I'm also dirty 只剩下一个肮脏的我
And our bank never stop change an d my new manager 银行并没有改变,在改变的只有经理(总有人压在你头上,你却始终无法翻身)
update my old systerm 这个新人给我升级了系统(为第二次进化提供了条件)
I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了。
You know god know too many shit happened in front of me and this time people always said why am I still here I am so old 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,这次慢慢的人类开始质疑我为啥在杵这儿,毕竟我是过时的老机器了。(人类很快就会对一个食物失去兴趣)
I think I know the reason 我想我知道原因
People always gimme a lesson 人们总是时不时给我上一课
Then one day flew in a pigeon 有一天飞进来一只鸽子
Started to teach me sing in my kingdom 它在我的统辖范围内开始教我唱歌(不顺的时候什么鸟都能来惹你)
Day after day always stayed in this cell 一天又一天的待在这“笼子”里(难受,也可以解释为心牢)
Scene keep changing but four wind still 场景变了,四季风不变(一开始人变,然后场景也变了,奔溃了)
The tall tower opposite me finally has been built 对面的高楼搭了那么多年终于建成了(高楼=权利 万恶之源)
You know that I learned how to rap right 你知道我会rap
And now... 现在
I can use a little Auto-tuning on my vioce~ 我可以自动调音了(二次升级)
I learned how to read people's faces 我知道了如何看脸生活(学会虚伪)
They always want me to do they an assist 人们总是希望我帮助他们(这里指取钱存钱,我开始变成红人)
There's a couple like to have a six 有对情侣竟然在我的房间里嬉戏(七宗罪之一:色欲 隐含这也是帮助之一:夜晚提供场地承接上句)
When late in night in the darkness 在深夜无人之时
One time the girl so high and gimme a kiss 有一次女孩嗨了亲了我一口(明显是喝大了)
Then that man shot on me about this 然后那男的更加过分,直接飙我脸上(人类始终本性难移)
And there is a detective touched me for many times 还有现在许多号称是神探的经常过来拜访我
Just for some ****ing robbery cases 就因为一些小打小闹的案件(现在每个工作岗位上浆糊太多)
Why you guys treat me like this 为何你们要这样对我?
When the winter's coming some tramps even sleep in my place 还有更过分的,每当冬天来临,总会有流浪汉进来睡觉
In the morning I smell somthing 第二天一早还给我留个“惊喜”(七宗罪之一:贪婪、懒惰 提供睡觉场地还得寸进尺)
Guess what I noticed 你猜是啥?
You right his shit(Too many shit change my mind) 没错就是一坨泥巴,太多的泥巴(事)让我再次改变想法(彻底暴走)
Whatever robber teacher worker writer student waiter officer nurse doctor or assistant when they put money take money through my body I will swallow them with their money (sorry and) I won't stop 现在不管什么职业只要过来存钱取钱我就一口把他吞了(罪犯就是这样被逼出来的,坏蛋走投无路就会走上这种极端)没有什么能够阻止我了
I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了。
You know god know too many shit happened in front of me and those things changed me I start to eat human they know I am a monster 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,如今我变成了见人就吞的怪物。(时代造成的)
Then when day there is a man coming to find me 有一天来了个人来找我
His name is Pissy 他说他叫Pissy
He said that he want a battle with me, so… 他说他要和我决斗,于是...
I don’t really wanna hurt you and 我真的不想伤害你
My job is to stop the turbulence 但我的职责是阻止动荡不安的情况
It’s and It’s on a curfew then 你把一切都搞砸了现在因为你这里都在施行宵禁
I’m a cop and I’m here to tear you down 我是警察,所以来这里把你毁掉
We can’t really cope with it within no minute 我们人类一分钟也受不了你这样的行为
You’ve been killing people like a cold-bloody 你已经杀了很多人 如此冷血
emmm Oh buddy you’d better confess yourself 你最好认罪坦白
Or imma shoot later 不然我就毁掉你
you a dead killer huh 让你这个杀手灭亡
Real Rascal:
That’s why people got many fakers 所以说这世界有许多虚假
Like butchers kill someone with out any reasons 就像屠夫宰人没有任何理由
But you should know one day this town will be my kitchen 但你知道总有一天这个小镇会成为我的厨房
And I called it’s robots’ mission 我称之为我的系统
No no no no 不不不
It’s not about right or wrong 这根本无关对错
We are the god to you 我们就是你的上帝
Wont need no fire or guns 其实根本都不需要枪支弹药
ATM no matter what and why 不管理由是什么
The inventor, I 我,作为发明你的人类
sentence you to die 宣判你拜拜
作曲 : 丁嘉乐让世界更美好
I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了(1980年产的,1979刚过一年)
You know god know too many shit happened in front of me at first people always praised I am good and fresh new 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,刚开始人类总是夸奖我新鲜(人类对新鲜事物的新鲜感)
39 years I learned too much 39年我学得多了
I knew too much I never stop watch 知道得多了,我从未停止观察
They never stop pitch 人类从来不会停止七嘴八舌谈论事物(七宗罪之一:傲慢)
Whatever shit they done I never judge never judge 但是不管发生啥事儿我始终没有去看扁他们(处于屋檐下的无奈)
Then one day I got my own mind 直到有一天我有了自己的思维(初步进化)
By chance one night there is a drunk man 在一个晚上来了一个醉汉(醉代表七宗罪之一:暴食,类似于佛教的酒戒)
He peed on me I frightened him 他竟然对我嘘嘘(七宗罪之一:懒惰)于是我恐吓了他,他被我惊到了
Cuz I am started to talking , rapping I mean 因为我开始说话,我是指说唱
I don't know what I am talking about 我也不知道我在说些什么
I am just a machine you know 我只是台机器罢了(地位卑微)
I just want to rap 我只想表达我的心声
1980 people made me in a bank 1980年人们在这个银行制造了我
There are 3 of them the same machines we are friends 和我一样的机器人还有三个,他们都是我的好伙伴(人生开始的朋友)
Tik tok people started to add we many tags 时间滴答人类开始给我贴上各种标签
And our government went down our tax 领导层降低了人们的缴税(人类发达,国泰民安)
People started to dance 人类开始欢欣雀跃
Time's fleeting all my friends broken just 时间飞逝我的朋友们都坏了(时间久了,身边的最初的朋友都不在了)
Leave me I am only person but I'm also dirty 只剩下一个肮脏的我
And our bank never stop change an d my new manager 银行并没有改变,在改变的只有经理(总有人压在你头上,你却始终无法翻身)
update my old systerm 这个新人给我升级了系统(为第二次进化提供了条件)
I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了。
You know god know too many shit happened in front of me and this time people always said why am I still here I am so old 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,这次慢慢的人类开始质疑我为啥在杵这儿,毕竟我是过时的老机器了。(人类很快就会对一个食物失去兴趣)
I think I know the reason 我想我知道原因
People always gimme a lesson 人们总是时不时给我上一课
Then one day flew in a pigeon 有一天飞进来一只鸽子
Started to teach me sing in my kingdom 它在我的统辖范围内开始教我唱歌(不顺的时候什么鸟都能来惹你)
Day after day always stayed in this cell 一天又一天的待在这“笼子”里(难受,也可以解释为心牢)
Scene keep changing but four wind still 场景变了,四季风不变(一开始人变,然后场景也变了,奔溃了)
The tall tower opposite me finally has been built 对面的高楼搭了那么多年终于建成了(高楼=权利 万恶之源)
You know that I learned how to rap right 你知道我会rap
And now... 现在
I can use a little Auto-tuning on my vioce~ 我可以自动调音了(二次升级)
I learned how to read people's faces 我知道了如何看脸生活(学会虚伪)
They always want me to do they an assist 人们总是希望我帮助他们(这里指取钱存钱,我开始变成红人)
There's a couple like to have a six 有对情侣竟然在我的房间里嬉戏(七宗罪之一:色欲 隐含这也是帮助之一:夜晚提供场地承接上句)
When late in night in the darkness 在深夜无人之时
One time the girl so high and gimme a kiss 有一次女孩嗨了亲了我一口(明显是喝大了)
Then that man shot on me about this 然后那男的更加过分,直接飙我脸上(人类始终本性难移)
And there is a detective touched me for many times 还有现在许多号称是神探的经常过来拜访我
Just for some ****ing robbery cases 就因为一些小打小闹的案件(现在每个工作岗位上浆糊太多)
Why you guys treat me like this 为何你们要这样对我?
When the winter's coming some tramps even sleep in my place 还有更过分的,每当冬天来临,总会有流浪汉进来睡觉
In the morning I smell somthing 第二天一早还给我留个“惊喜”(七宗罪之一:贪婪、懒惰 提供睡觉场地还得寸进尺)
Guess what I noticed 你猜是啥?
You right his shit(Too many shit change my mind) 没错就是一坨泥巴,太多的泥巴(事)让我再次改变想法(彻底暴走)
Whatever robber teacher worker writer student waiter officer nurse doctor or assistant when they put money take money through my body I will swallow them with their money (sorry and) I won't stop 现在不管什么职业只要过来存钱取钱我就一口把他吞了(罪犯就是这样被逼出来的,坏蛋走投无路就会走上这种极端)没有什么能够阻止我了
I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了。
You know god know too many shit happened in front of me and those things changed me I start to eat human they know I am a monster 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,如今我变成了见人就吞的怪物。(时代造成的)
Then when day there is a man coming to find me 有一天来了个人来找我
His name is Pissy 他说他叫Pissy
He said that he want a battle with me, so… 他说他要和我决斗,于是...
I don’t really wanna hurt you and 我真的不想伤害你
My job is to stop the turbulence 但我的职责是阻止动荡不安的情况
It’s and It’s on a curfew then 你把一切都搞砸了现在因为你这里都在施行宵禁
I’m a cop and I’m here to tear you down 我是警察,所以来这里把你毁掉
We can’t really cope with it within no minute 我们人类一分钟也受不了你这样的行为
You’ve been killing people like a cold-bloody 你已经杀了很多人 如此冷血
emmm Oh buddy you’d better confess yourself 你最好认罪坦白
Or imma shoot later 不然我就毁掉你
you a dead killer huh 让你这个杀手灭亡
Real Rascal:
That’s why people got many fakers 所以说这世界有许多虚假
Like butchers kill someone with out any reasons 就像屠夫宰人没有任何理由
But you should know one day this town will be my kitchen 但你知道总有一天这个小镇会成为我的厨房
And I called it’s robots’ mission 我称之为我的系统
No no no no 不不不
It’s not about right or wrong 这根本无关对错
We are the god to you 我们就是你的上帝
Wont need no fire or guns 其实根本都不需要枪支弹药
ATM no matter what and why 不管理由是什么
The inventor, I 我,作为发明你的人类
sentence you to die 宣判你拜拜
[00:00.000] 作词 : 丁嘉乐让世界更美好/李毅杰PISSY
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 丁嘉乐让世界更美好
[00:07.537]I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了(1980年产的,1979刚过一年)
[00:14.792]You know god know too many shit happened in front of me at first people always praised I am good and fresh new 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,刚开始人类总是夸奖我新鲜(人类对新鲜事物的新鲜感)
[00:22.038]39 years I learned too much 39年我学得多了
[00:23.790]I knew too much I never stop watch 知道得多了,我从未停止观察
[00:25.490]They never stop pitch 人类从来不会停止七嘴八舌谈论事物(七宗罪之一:傲慢)
[00:26.500]Whatever shit they done I never judge never judge 但是不管发生啥事儿我始终没有去看扁他们(处于屋檐下的无奈)
[00:29.250]Then one day I got my own mind 直到有一天我有了自己的思维(初步进化)
[00:30.992]By chance one night there is a drunk man 在一个晚上来了一个醉汉(醉代表七宗罪之一:暴食,类似于佛教的酒戒)
[00:32.744]He peed on me I frightened him 他竟然对我嘘嘘(七宗罪之一:懒惰)于是我恐吓了他,他被我惊到了
[00:34.741]Cuz I am started to talking , rapping I mean 因为我开始说话,我是指说唱
[00:38.493]I don't know what I am talking about 我也不知道我在说些什么
[00:40.244]I am just a machine you know 我只是台机器罢了(地位卑微)
[00:42.241]I just want to rap 我只想表达我的心声
[00:43.939]1980 people made me in a bank 1980年人们在这个银行制造了我
[00:45.436]There are 3 of them the same machines we are friends 和我一样的机器人还有三个,他们都是我的好伙伴(人生开始的朋友)
[00:46.934]Tik tok people started to add we many tags 时间滴答人类开始给我贴上各种标签
[00:48.432]And our government went down our tax 领导层降低了人们的缴税(人类发达,国泰民安)
[00:50.187]People started to dance 人类开始欢欣雀跃
[00:51.438]Time's fleeting all my friends broken just 时间飞逝我的朋友们都坏了(时间久了,身边的最初的朋友都不在了)
[00:52.937]Leave me I am only person but I'm also dirty 只剩下一个肮脏的我
[00:54.435]And our bank never stop change an d my new manager 银行并没有改变,在改变的只有经理(总有人压在你头上,你却始终无法翻身)
[00:56.883]update my old systerm 这个新人给我升级了系统(为第二次进化提供了条件)
[00:58.636]I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了。
[01:06.136]You know god know too many shit happened in front of me and this time people always said why am I still here I am so old 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,这次慢慢的人类开始质疑我为啥在杵这儿,毕竟我是过时的老机器了。(人类很快就会对一个食物失去兴趣)
[01:13.381]I think I know the reason 我想我知道原因
[01:15.133]People always gimme a lesson 人们总是时不时给我上一课
[01:16.631]Then one day flew in a pigeon 有一天飞进来一只鸽子
[01:18.385]Started to teach me sing in my kingdom 它在我的统辖范围内开始教我唱歌(不顺的时候什么鸟都能来惹你)
[01:20.383]Day after day always stayed in this cell 一天又一天的待在这“笼子”里(难受,也可以解释为心牢)
[01:22.633]Scene keep changing but four wind still 场景变了,四季风不变(一开始人变,然后场景也变了,奔溃了)
[01:24.388]The tall tower opposite me finally has been built 对面的高楼搭了那么多年终于建成了(高楼=权利 万恶之源)
[01:29.637]You know that I learned how to rap right 你知道我会rap
[01:31.888]And now... 现在
[01:32.886]I can use a little Auto-tuning on my vioce~ 我可以自动调音了(二次升级)
[01:35.637]I learned how to read people's faces 我知道了如何看脸生活(学会虚伪)
[01:36.880]They always want me to do they an assist 人们总是希望我帮助他们(这里指取钱存钱,我开始变成红人)
[01:38.631]There's a couple like to have a six 有对情侣竟然在我的房间里嬉戏(七宗罪之一:色欲 隐含这也是帮助之一:夜晚提供场地承接上句)
[01:40.386]When late in night in the darkness 在深夜无人之时
[01:42.637]One time the girl so high and gimme a kiss 有一次女孩嗨了亲了我一口(明显是喝大了)
[01:44.380]Then that man shot on me about this 然后那男的更加过分,直接飙我脸上(人类始终本性难移)
[01:46.328]And there is a detective touched me for many times 还有现在许多号称是神探的经常过来拜访我
[01:48.078]Just for some ****ing robbery cases 就因为一些小打小闹的案件(现在每个工作岗位上浆糊太多)
[01:50.075]Why you guys treat me like this 为何你们要这样对我?
[01:51.572]When the winter's coming some tramps even sleep in my place 还有更过分的,每当冬天来临,总会有流浪汉进来睡觉
[01:53.582]In the morning I smell somthing 第二天一早还给我留个“惊喜”(七宗罪之一:贪婪、懒惰 提供睡觉场地还得寸进尺)
[01:55.579]Guess what I noticed 你猜是啥?
[01:56.822]You right his shit(Too many shit change my mind) 没错就是一坨泥巴,太多的泥巴(事)让我再次改变想法(彻底暴走)
[01:57.334]Whatever robber teacher worker writer student waiter officer nurse doctor or assistant when they put money take money through my body I will swallow them with their money (sorry and) I won't stop 现在不管什么职业只要过来存钱取钱我就一口把他吞了(罪犯就是这样被逼出来的,坏蛋走投无路就会走上这种极端)没有什么能够阻止我了
[02:04.833]I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了。
[02:12.076]You know god know too many shit happened in front of me and those things changed me I start to eat human they know I am a monster 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,如今我变成了见人就吞的怪物。(时代造成的)
[02:20.832]Then when day there is a man coming to find me 有一天来了个人来找我
[02:22.828]His name is Pissy 他说他叫Pissy
[02:24.581]He said that he want a battle with me, so… 他说他要和我决斗,于是...
[02:26.822]I don’t really wanna hurt you and 我真的不想伤害你
[02:28.332]My job is to stop the turbulence 但我的职责是阻止动荡不安的情况
[02:30.329]It’s and It’s on a curfew then 你把一切都搞砸了现在因为你这里都在施行宵禁
[02:32.080]I’m a cop and I’m here to tear you down 我是警察,所以来这里把你毁掉
[02:34.032]We can’t really cope with it within no minute 我们人类一分钟也受不了你这样的行为
[02:35.783]You’ve been killing people like a cold-bloody 你已经杀了很多人 如此冷血
[02:37.285]emmm Oh buddy you’d better confess yourself 你最好认罪坦白
[02:39.035]Or imma shoot later 不然我就毁掉你
[02:40.287]you a dead killer huh 让你这个杀手灭亡
[02:41.032]Real Rascal:
[02:41.532]That’s why people got many fakers 所以说这世界有许多虚假
[02:42.787]Like butchers kill someone with out any reasons 就像屠夫宰人没有任何理由
[02:44.527]But you should know one day this town will be my kitchen 但你知道总有一天这个小镇会成为我的厨房
[02:46.778]And I called it’s robots’ mission 我称之为我的系统
[02:48.479]No no no no 不不不
[02:49.489]It’s not about right or wrong 这根本无关对错
[02:50.231]We are the god to you 我们就是你的上帝
[02:51.229]Wont need no fire or guns 其实根本都不需要枪支弹药
[02:52.485]ATM no matter what and why 不管理由是什么
[02:53.982]The inventor, I 我,作为发明你的人类
[02:55.480]sentence you to die 宣判你拜拜
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 丁嘉乐让世界更美好
[00:07.537]I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了(1980年产的,1979刚过一年)
[00:14.792]You know god know too many shit happened in front of me at first people always praised I am good and fresh new 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,刚开始人类总是夸奖我新鲜(人类对新鲜事物的新鲜感)
[00:22.038]39 years I learned too much 39年我学得多了
[00:23.790]I knew too much I never stop watch 知道得多了,我从未停止观察
[00:25.490]They never stop pitch 人类从来不会停止七嘴八舌谈论事物(七宗罪之一:傲慢)
[00:26.500]Whatever shit they done I never judge never judge 但是不管发生啥事儿我始终没有去看扁他们(处于屋檐下的无奈)
[00:29.250]Then one day I got my own mind 直到有一天我有了自己的思维(初步进化)
[00:30.992]By chance one night there is a drunk man 在一个晚上来了一个醉汉(醉代表七宗罪之一:暴食,类似于佛教的酒戒)
[00:32.744]He peed on me I frightened him 他竟然对我嘘嘘(七宗罪之一:懒惰)于是我恐吓了他,他被我惊到了
[00:34.741]Cuz I am started to talking , rapping I mean 因为我开始说话,我是指说唱
[00:38.493]I don't know what I am talking about 我也不知道我在说些什么
[00:40.244]I am just a machine you know 我只是台机器罢了(地位卑微)
[00:42.241]I just want to rap 我只想表达我的心声
[00:43.939]1980 people made me in a bank 1980年人们在这个银行制造了我
[00:45.436]There are 3 of them the same machines we are friends 和我一样的机器人还有三个,他们都是我的好伙伴(人生开始的朋友)
[00:46.934]Tik tok people started to add we many tags 时间滴答人类开始给我贴上各种标签
[00:48.432]And our government went down our tax 领导层降低了人们的缴税(人类发达,国泰民安)
[00:50.187]People started to dance 人类开始欢欣雀跃
[00:51.438]Time's fleeting all my friends broken just 时间飞逝我的朋友们都坏了(时间久了,身边的最初的朋友都不在了)
[00:52.937]Leave me I am only person but I'm also dirty 只剩下一个肮脏的我
[00:54.435]And our bank never stop change an d my new manager 银行并没有改变,在改变的只有经理(总有人压在你头上,你却始终无法翻身)
[00:56.883]update my old systerm 这个新人给我升级了系统(为第二次进化提供了条件)
[00:58.636]I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了。
[01:06.136]You know god know too many shit happened in front of me and this time people always said why am I still here I am so old 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,这次慢慢的人类开始质疑我为啥在杵这儿,毕竟我是过时的老机器了。(人类很快就会对一个食物失去兴趣)
[01:13.381]I think I know the reason 我想我知道原因
[01:15.133]People always gimme a lesson 人们总是时不时给我上一课
[01:16.631]Then one day flew in a pigeon 有一天飞进来一只鸽子
[01:18.385]Started to teach me sing in my kingdom 它在我的统辖范围内开始教我唱歌(不顺的时候什么鸟都能来惹你)
[01:20.383]Day after day always stayed in this cell 一天又一天的待在这“笼子”里(难受,也可以解释为心牢)
[01:22.633]Scene keep changing but four wind still 场景变了,四季风不变(一开始人变,然后场景也变了,奔溃了)
[01:24.388]The tall tower opposite me finally has been built 对面的高楼搭了那么多年终于建成了(高楼=权利 万恶之源)
[01:29.637]You know that I learned how to rap right 你知道我会rap
[01:31.888]And now... 现在
[01:32.886]I can use a little Auto-tuning on my vioce~ 我可以自动调音了(二次升级)
[01:35.637]I learned how to read people's faces 我知道了如何看脸生活(学会虚伪)
[01:36.880]They always want me to do they an assist 人们总是希望我帮助他们(这里指取钱存钱,我开始变成红人)
[01:38.631]There's a couple like to have a six 有对情侣竟然在我的房间里嬉戏(七宗罪之一:色欲 隐含这也是帮助之一:夜晚提供场地承接上句)
[01:40.386]When late in night in the darkness 在深夜无人之时
[01:42.637]One time the girl so high and gimme a kiss 有一次女孩嗨了亲了我一口(明显是喝大了)
[01:44.380]Then that man shot on me about this 然后那男的更加过分,直接飙我脸上(人类始终本性难移)
[01:46.328]And there is a detective touched me for many times 还有现在许多号称是神探的经常过来拜访我
[01:48.078]Just for some ****ing robbery cases 就因为一些小打小闹的案件(现在每个工作岗位上浆糊太多)
[01:50.075]Why you guys treat me like this 为何你们要这样对我?
[01:51.572]When the winter's coming some tramps even sleep in my place 还有更过分的,每当冬天来临,总会有流浪汉进来睡觉
[01:53.582]In the morning I smell somthing 第二天一早还给我留个“惊喜”(七宗罪之一:贪婪、懒惰 提供睡觉场地还得寸进尺)
[01:55.579]Guess what I noticed 你猜是啥?
[01:56.822]You right his shit(Too many shit change my mind) 没错就是一坨泥巴,太多的泥巴(事)让我再次改变想法(彻底暴走)
[01:57.334]Whatever robber teacher worker writer student waiter officer nurse doctor or assistant when they put money take money through my body I will swallow them with their money (sorry and) I won't stop 现在不管什么职业只要过来存钱取钱我就一口把他吞了(罪犯就是这样被逼出来的,坏蛋走投无路就会走上这种极端)没有什么能够阻止我了
[02:04.833]I am robot people call me ATM full name Automatic Teller Machine I am standed here for 39 years ago 我是机器人,人类叫我ATM,我杵这儿39年了。
[02:12.076]You know god know too many shit happened in front of me and those things changed me I start to eat human they know I am a monster 这些年人类所做的事都在我眼前发生,如今我变成了见人就吞的怪物。(时代造成的)
[02:20.832]Then when day there is a man coming to find me 有一天来了个人来找我
[02:22.828]His name is Pissy 他说他叫Pissy
[02:24.581]He said that he want a battle with me, so… 他说他要和我决斗,于是...
[02:26.822]I don’t really wanna hurt you and 我真的不想伤害你
[02:28.332]My job is to stop the turbulence 但我的职责是阻止动荡不安的情况
[02:30.329]It’s and It’s on a curfew then 你把一切都搞砸了现在因为你这里都在施行宵禁
[02:32.080]I’m a cop and I’m here to tear you down 我是警察,所以来这里把你毁掉
[02:34.032]We can’t really cope with it within no minute 我们人类一分钟也受不了你这样的行为
[02:35.783]You’ve been killing people like a cold-bloody 你已经杀了很多人 如此冷血
[02:37.285]emmm Oh buddy you’d better confess yourself 你最好认罪坦白
[02:39.035]Or imma shoot later 不然我就毁掉你
[02:40.287]you a dead killer huh 让你这个杀手灭亡
[02:41.032]Real Rascal:
[02:41.532]That’s why people got many fakers 所以说这世界有许多虚假
[02:42.787]Like butchers kill someone with out any reasons 就像屠夫宰人没有任何理由
[02:44.527]But you should know one day this town will be my kitchen 但你知道总有一天这个小镇会成为我的厨房
[02:46.778]And I called it’s robots’ mission 我称之为我的系统
[02:48.479]No no no no 不不不
[02:49.489]It’s not about right or wrong 这根本无关对错
[02:50.231]We are the god to you 我们就是你的上帝
[02:51.229]Wont need no fire or guns 其实根本都不需要枪支弹药
[02:52.485]ATM no matter what and why 不管理由是什么
[02:53.982]The inventor, I 我,作为发明你的人类
[02:55.480]sentence you to die 宣判你拜拜
- 1 我用什么把你留住(广播剧《存在》ed)歌词 温海
- 2 金玉良缘(翻自:付雪|温柔男生版)歌词 青枫
- 3 早安隆回歌词 橘里
- 4 最美的伤口(混音版)歌词 坠星一
- 5 宇智波 鼬歌词 可有道
- 6 Hey Sugar歌词 椅子乐团 The Chairs
- 7 Do it歌词 P.O
- 8 从头再来(伴奏)歌词 周东风
- 9 白色风车歌词 廖栋
- 10 ユキトキ歌词 える
- 11 蒙古马 (蒙语版)歌词 哈琳
- 12 喜劇歌词 桥a
- 13 说散就散 - 衿汐林 ( Cover by 袁娅维TIA RAY)歌词 衿汐林
- 14 Little Bird歌词 Michael Timmins
- 15 西安歌词 黄恺
- 16 Hands On Me (feat. Meghan Trainor)歌词 Jason Derulo
- 17 绿丘歌词 弥澈乐队
- 18 10月5日 周四 阴歌词 米卡斯给
- 19 Royal Blue (ft.Yang Yang)歌词 程思源
- 20 终有谢时 Time to Say Farewell歌词 陈致逸
- 21 Young Feat.辛巴歌词 顺德
- 22 Curious歌词 Arin Ray
- 23 Angel(天使)歌词 Bingoo
- 24 临界空间丢失爱♡歌词 拿花负荷
- 25 それでも歌词 程璧
- 26 夏季恋人歌词 gameboi
- 27 等花开歌词 TrakinTk酱*^o^*
- 28 Hey!!YounG歌词 小不
- 29 再次爱上你 beat歌词 Zy